Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Which movie you like most?

Super-Happy Dancing Penguin?

or ;

Super-Cool Secret Agent?


Super-Sad Love Story?

I've made my choice. Have you?

Myth v Reality

Myth : It's hard to say Sorry

Reality : It's hard to say Please and Thank You

Blah blah blah

Fight For All The Wrong Reasons

"There's one thing I'm not going to do, I'm not going to pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete," Bush said in a speech setting the stage for high-stakes meetings with the Iraqi prime minister later this week.

-Yahoo! News

Just you define "mission is complete", Mr President?

When all the Iraqi is dead?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tears And Rain

Apa persamaan semua di bawah ?

Pergaduhan Sunni - Syiah di Iraq

Kesemua filem arahan Prof. Madya Razak Mohaideen

Alasan Bush menyerang Iraq

Menjenamakan semula Mat Rempit menjadi Mat Cemerlang

Pergelutan Hizbullah - Kerajaan Lebanon

Keputusan Pak Lah membatalkan pembinaan jambatan bengkok

Drama forensik di TV3

Perebutan kuasa Hamas - Fatah di Palestin

Alasan yang di berikan oleh Dato' Zakaria sebab dia buat banglo ala-istana

Dapat CGPA 0.65


They are all stupid

Monday, November 27, 2006



I am L.O.N.E.L.Y

Trump - et?

Who will you choose to become your apprentice?

33 yo guy that already have 10 years experienced in the bussiness


22 yo guy that has just graduated from university with CGPA 4.0

Pretty easy, eh?

Obviously the experienced guy will become everyones favourite, right?

So my next question :

What the heck u think, Mr Tump when u choose this 22 yo guy to be in your show and take him to final two?

Donald, you fired!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Remp - Eat !

Semalam aku tengok Buletin Utama..Ketua Putera Umno nak jadikan Mat Rempit sebagai rakan cop.

*Satu Mat Rempit - tangkap satu peragut*

Dulu tak silap aku die nak tukar nama Mat Rempit jadik Mat Cemerlang..

Then tak lama lepas tuh...ader kes kat Utara (if im not mistaken) yang Mat *Cemerlang* nih baling batu kat Balai Polis.

Call me pesimistic, outdated, negative thinker.

Aku tak rasa idea nih akan berjaya.

So hate me.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Amusing... Just Amusing

Semalam salah seorang kawan pompuan aku call aku. Actually the conversation kinda amusing. So i thought it's kinda fun to put it in here.

Girl : Hello.

Aku : Hello.

Girl : Busy ke?

Aku : Tak la. Ok je.

Girl : Sori kaco. Saya bosan. Takder kawan nak ajak sembang. Saja call awak.

Aku : Oh, Ok. No problem.

Girl : ...

Aku : So kiter nak cakap pasal apa yer?

Girl : Entah la. Awak la start dulu.

Aku : Ummm...

Girl : Ummm...

Aku : ...

Girl : ...

Aku : ...

Girl : Ummm...

Girl : ...

Girl : Ummm...

Aku : ...

Aku : Ummm...

Aku : ...

Girl : Saya rasa baik saya tepon org lain.

Aku : ...

I do think this girl hitting on me.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
Tears drying on their face,
He has been here.

Brother lie in shallow graves,
Fathers lost without a trace,
A nation blind to their disgrace,
Since he's been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore,
Only sadness.

No Bravery - James Blunt
Back To Bedlam - 2004

* Blunt served as an armoured reconnaissance officer in the NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo. It was while on duty in Kosovo that he wrote this song.

* Back To Bedlam is a must-have album.

Pssst, i didn't say you have to grab the original one afterall.

Need i to say more?

Round One : Fight!

A : Ko tau tak skang dah ader roti canai Pak Lah dengan roti canai Mahathir?

B : Tak.

A : Ko tau tak apa bezanya?

B : Tak.

A : Roti canai Mahathir ada telor... Roti canai Pak Lah takdak telor. Lawak tak?

B : Tak

Malaysia. Tanahairku.

Quando. Quando. Quando

Bush : I hates cat.

Blair : My mom said that if we hates cat we will be re-born as mice. How lame that joke is?

Bush : Its no joke. She's right.

Blair : You're crazy.

Bush : I know. So do you.

Blair : Huh? Me?

Bush : Yeah, you. That's why they sent us to this mental institution in the first place, right?

Blair : Huh?

Bush : At least that's what they told me.

Blair : ...

Bush : ...

Blair : Maybe we should skip the dinner and sleep early tonight.

Bush : ...

tell me quando, quando, quando

Bye-Bye Rumsfeld

"You are courageously leading our nation in the war on terrorism. You are doing a superb job," Mr. Bush said. "You are a strong secretary of defense and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude."

-CBS News

Bush heaps praise on Rumsfeld. Yeah, u heard right. P.r.a.i.s.e.

Sounds weird, eh?

I know.

Too little. Too late

"I recognize that many Americans voted last night to register their displeasure with the lack of progress being made in Iraq", Bush said.


Wow! U are extremely brilliant! I am so impressed.

U suppose to write a book mister.

Or maybe u should start by reading a book instead - at least



Aku mmg suka pinjam moto Man. Die tua 4 tahun dari aku. Dia nih pandai gak la jaga moto die. Kalau bawak jalan memang puas hati la. Man nih belajar setakat SPM je. Terus keje. Senang. Tak payah serabut-serabut. Kalau di ikutkan keputusan SPM dia tak lah teruk sangat. Kira bolehla kalau nak sambung STPM . Tapi dah malas katanya. Jadi die mintak keje kat kilang. Dapat. Dah memang rezeki dia kat situ agaknya.

Satu malam aku dapat call dari Man. Dia kata die nak jual moto die. Nak beli kete. Kancil. Aku terkejut. Aku memang tak setuju cadangan die. Ade Lima sebab. Satu - Sebab aku rasa die tak mampu nak bayar. Dua - Sebab aku tau die tak berapa pandai sangat bawak kete. Tiga - Sebab aku suka bawak moto die. Empat - Sebab aku suka bawak moto die. Lima - Sebab aku suka bawak moto die.

Die beria bagi alasan kat aku senang nak pegi keje kalo hujan. Tapi aku tau. Die nak ngorat sorang awek kat kilang tuh. Die selalu cerita kat aku pasal awek tuh. Die nak buat sesuatu yang boleh buat awek tuh cair kat die. Perbualan aku ngan dia malam tuh tamat camtuh jer. Aku beria cakap kat dier tak payah beli. Tapi dier tetap nak beli gak dan sebenarnyer die dah submit pun loan nak beli.

Beberapa bulan lepas tuh aku dapat SMS daripada Man. Die dah kuar kete baru. Tak jadi amik Kancil. Dier amik Wira. Aku tak reply pun.

Aku terserempak dengan dier kat Ipoh Parade dalam semingu dua lepas tuh. Die tengah jalan ngan sorang awek. Awek tuh la kot yang dier nak ngorat. Bleh tahan cun gak la. Patut la Man tergila-gilakan sangat awek tuh. Die beria ajak aku tengok kereta die. Aku malas. Aku bagi alasan aku nak cepat.

Hari ini, 3 tahun yang lepas, 2 minggu lepas aku jumpa Man kat Ipoh Parade, aku dapat call dari Khairul.

Man accident kat simpang empat kat Taman Meru. Accident dengan lori. Die mati di tempat kejadian.

Aku masih tak tau colour kereta Wira Man.